Thursday, May 7, 2015

Spring Joy

'Daydream' tulips are yellow on May 1
It's spring at last. Oh, I do love spring.

I've been enthralled with the new bulbs I put in last fall. Check out this one... tulipa 'daydream' in front, an old favorite 'ballerina' behind. On May 1, 'daydream' is yellow. Now, on the 7th, it's orange. It opens in the sunlight and folds up each night. I can't believe how much pleasure I get from a couple of tulips!

They open to the sun. Groundcovers are vinca, ajuga, grape hyacinths and dianthus 'firewitch'

Dwarf Japanese maple on left, dwarf pieris japonica on right

Soon they're tinged with orange

A shade lighter than the ballerina's in the back makes me happy
 I have a little path on the side of the house for my "woodland garden" (lol) Here are some woodland phlox and new ferns.

I spent quite awhile trying to photograph a bee drawn to the muscari.  Not great... but this was the best one. I got to lounge around in the grass on a beautiful day. Who could ask for anything more?